Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rosanna Dreams

I saw Justin Timberlake on MTV a few years ago telling an interviewer that he was twenty-something and already living his dreams. He seemed almost taken aback in vocalizing that truth. Wow, I thought. That is incredible! The smile he brought to my face eventually dulled as my progression of thought led me to long for the day I could say, “I am living my dreams.”

Say it to yourself. “I am living my dreams.” It really is something to be able to say that, isn’t it? In fact, there doesn’t seem to be many things more beautiful than witnessing a human being living his or her dreams.

So, lately I’ve been realizing that in order to even get to the point where I can say my dreams have come true, I need to proclaim that I actually have dreams.

I, Rosanna Tomiuk, on November 6th, 2008, have dreams for my life.

Here they are:

-To be an Olympic gold medallist (water polo)
-To be in melodic dialogue with humanity (singing + guitar + piano)
-To write a book(s) and talk to people (with my sister, Daria) about the beautiful life God intended them to live

(All of these dreams culminate to make me a globe-trotting adventurer, which is a dream in itself, too! Just a side-note.)

Thus, hold me accountable to my dreams. Journey with me. Constructively criticize me. Encourage me in my progress. Give me opportunities. Talk to me. ‘Cause even though these dreams are vocationally focused,--about the doing--it is God, love, relationships and hope-in-change that are the foundational elements. There is no purpose for my dreams without them.

And tell me your dreams so I can do the same. :)


David said...

is this your first post?

Rosanna Tomiuk said...

Ya, it's my first. I only just saw that you commented now! Do we get notified of comments?!? I'm a newbie.